Sunday, January 26, 2020
Working and Non Working Mother Health Comparison
Working and Non Working Mother Health Comparison Chen and Lin (1992). Daily life demands, social support, life satisfaction and health of working women and housewives. To see the stress related to daily work overload, the Daily Life Demand scale, Social Support Scale along with the Life Satisfaction Scale and the Symptomatic scales are used to make comparisons between working women and housewives. A survey was conducted on 444 Taipei women revealing that daily life demands are experienced more by working women than housewives but also they have more support in dealing with these demands. The results showed high stress levels to be reported by all women being little more in working women than in housewives. Higher life satisfaction was reported by housewives and a higher degree of depression was experienced by working women. Mukhopadhyay et al (1993). Working status and anxiety levels of urban educated women in Calcutta. A study group from Calcutta resident working mothers was compared with a socioeconomically similar group of non-working mothers with respect to their anxiety level, measured by the Anxiety Scale Questionnaire. The relationships between anxiety score and age of these women were studied. Non working mothers showed higher anxiety levels than their working counterparts with respect to the total anxiety score as well as components, although the differences were statistically non-significant. Doby Caplan (1995). Organizational Stress as Threat to Reputation: Effects on Anxiety at Work and at Home. The results of this study showed that high threat stressors were most likely to generate the anxiety experienced at home and for this the anxiety experienced at work was the key mediator. Rout et al (1997). Working and non-working mothers: a comparative study. This study examines whether positive or neutral effects on womenââ¬â¢s health are found in employed mothers by comparing working and non-working mothers. The results showed that working mothers reported less depression and had better mental health than non-working mothers. Major stressor for working mothers was a lack of social life whereas not having enough time to do everything was reported as a source of stress for working mothers. This study emphasizes on the benefits than costs of multiple role involvement. Welch Booth (1997). Employment and health among married women. Sample of 500 urban married women was used to evaluate the possible effect of outside-the-home employment on the mental as well as on physical health of married women. It was found that wives who had been employed for more than a year were healthier than wives not employed outside the home and wives who had worked less than one year. Whereas, housewives who had never worked outside the home were healthier, on the whole, than wives who had been employed at some time in the past. Poor marital relationships and having no preschool age children seemed to increase the health advantage of long term employed wives over those in the housewife categories. Whereas the occupational status of wife and husband did not seem to change these health differences very much. Macewan Barling(1998). Inter role conflict, family support and marital adjustment of employed mothers: A short term, longitudinal study. This was done basically to address the two issues, the effect of inter role conflict on marital adjustment and the moderating role of social support and hardiness being considered within the same analysis. To the inter role conflict, family support, personality hardiness and marital adjustment of 51 employed mothers were assessed twice, three months apart. Using hierarchical regression analyses, inter role conflict and family support exerted main effects on marital adjustment at time 1. More importantly, a significant inters role conflict/family support interaction predicted change in marital adjustment over three months. High family support exerted a negative impact on marital adjustment when inter role conflict was high. Greenhaus Beutell (2000) Sources of Conflict between Work and Family Roles. This study examined the literature on the conflict between work and family roles and found out that work-family conflict exists when: (a) time devoted to the requirements of one role makes it difficult to fulfill requirements of another; (b) strain from participation in one role makes it difficult to fulfill requirements of another; and (c) specific behaviors required by one role make it difficult to fulfill the requirements of another. Birch Kamli (2000) Psychological stress, anxiety, depression, job satisfaction, and personality characteristics in preregistration house officers. This study got lifestyle questionnaires filled by the officers and measured the self rated psychological stress, state anxiety, job satisfaction, and personality characteristics. It was seen that more of women suffered psychological stress, possible anxiety and possible depression. Nelson Quick (2000). Professional Women: Are Distress and Disease Inevitable? This study states that discrimination, stereotyping, the marriage/work interface, and social isolation are a source of stress for professional women. The study also identified a mentor, locus of control, self-confidence, and self-awareness as moderators for a stress-strain relationship. Paterniti et al (2002) Psychosocial factors at work, personality traits and depressive symptoms, Longitudinal results from the Gazel Study. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between psychosocial factors at work and changes in depressive symptoms, taking into account personality traits. The results showed that irrespective of the personality traits high scores were seen in both the genders when the job demands were high with low social support at work. Krantz et al (2003).Total workload, work stress and perceived symptoms in Swedish male and female white-collar employees. This research studies how the perceived symptoms of the white collar employees are associated with paid work, unpaid household tasks, child care, workââ¬âchild care interactions and perceived work stress. Singapore Management Reviews published an article (2003) on work family conflict of managers by survey approach. Work and family are two important aspects of manââ¬â¢s life. The paper examined the nature of the conflict and its effects on manager. An empirical survey was described, aimed at enhancing the understanding the conflict that the individual experienced. This showed that although most of the respondent would trade some learning for family time, job related issue, investing security, flexible working hour and high profile for value ahead of laser activity but at a cost of behavior based, time based and strain based. Twenty percent of respondents strongly agreed that they would trade their income for lesser hour at work to spend time with their families, thirty percent of the respondents were neutral, forty percent of the respondents agreed that their family will accept and adjust to any necessary arrangements required. Iqbal et al (2004). Anxiety in non-working women with reference to their education, family system and number of children. The objective of the study was to observe the presence of anxiety in working and non working women with reference to their education, family system and the number of their children setting. Purposive sampling technique used to select the sample of 50 working women and 50 non working women. Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale was administered on all women to assess on their anxiety level. Anxiety was observed more in non working women than in working women. A statistically significant association was found between anxiety in women and education. It was concluded that all non-working women should be supported morally and socially to spare some time for their entertainment and pleasurable activities outside homes to distract the monotony of routine work. Hashmi et al (2006). Marital Adjustment, Stress and Depression Among Working and Non-Working Married Women. This study explores the relationship between marital adjustment stress and depression. Results also show that working married women have to face more problems in their married life as compared to non-working married women. Also it was seen that highly educated working and non-working married women can perform well in their married life and they are free from depression as compared to educated working and non-working married women. Melchior et al (2007) studied depression and anxiety in young, working women and men due to work stress. The results showed that participants exposed to high psychological job demands (excessive workload, extreme time pressures) had a twofold risk of major depression or generalized anxiety disorder compared to those with low job demands. The study stated that in previously healthy young workers, diagnosable depression and anxiety is precipitated by work stress. Aleem and Danish (2008). Marital satisfaction and Anxiety among single and dual career women at JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi. The sample was selected by using purposive sampling 60 single and dual career women whose age group ranged from 25 to 45 years were studied using purposive method of sampling from Delhi. A Marital Satisfaction Scale was used to see the level of marital satisfaction among the two groups of women whereas; Sinha Comprehensive Anxiety Scale was administered on the sample to examine their level of anxiety. It has been found that pressure and hassles of jobs not only affect marital life but also proved to be a major source of anxiety particularly among women and also marital satisfaction among working women hardly get disturbed due to their multiple role but the thought processes seemed to be disturbed that is manifested in the higher anxiety among women. Netterstom et al (2008) The Relation between Work-related Psychosocial Factors and the Development of Depression. The study found moderate evidence for a relation between development of depression and the psychological demands of the job. Also it was seen that social support at work decreased the risk for future depression. Weiclaw et al (2008) Psychosocial working conditions and the risk of depression and anxiety disorders in the Danish workforce. This study examined the relation between psychosocial working conditions and the risk of anxiety and working conditions. The results showed high risks of depression but decreased risk of anxiety disorders related to high emotional demands and working with people. Dew et al (2009) studied mental health effects of job loss in women. This study reviews literature on involuntary job loss and its effects on mental health among women. The occurrence and duration of lay-off was significantly associated with increased depressive symptoms, but not anxiety-related symptoms. Results showed that among women who were laid off, those who had poor levels of support from their husband and those experiencing more financial difficulties reported higher levels of depression. Kaur et al (2011). Comparative study on working and non working married women: effect of anxiety level on life satisfaction. The objective of the study was to find out whether the anxiety level has any significant impact on the life satisfaction of the working and non-working married women. Research investigated the effect of anxiety level on the ââ¬Å"life satisfactionâ⬠among the working and non working married women. ââ¬Å"Satisfaction with Life Scaleâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"State-Trait Anxiety Testâ⬠was administered on an equal sample of women participants (n=45) from both the groups. Two way ANOVA was used for data analysis. The result showed that anxiety and life satisfaction are experienced differently by working and non-working women. The results of the study show that females those who are working and married, are low on anxiety with higher life satisfaction in comparison to the non-working married females. They perceived their life as challenging and secure. They fe el more comfortable with their life situations. On the other hand, the non working married females are less satisfied with their lives and their anxiety level is also higher than the anxiety level of working females. LilhareBorkar (2011). Comparative study on Stress and Anxiety in Working Women Performing Clerical and Shift Hour Duties. The study was designed to compare the stress, and anxiety level among different profession of working women. The study was an exploratory study. The Stress, Anxiety and Status test were administered on 200 samples, 100 for clerical working women and 100 for shift hour duty working women. The data was obtained and was analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t tests and compared. The findings of the research indicates that the working women performing Clerical and Shift Hour duties have significant difference on the measure of Stress,Status but do not have significant difference on the measure of anxiety. Virtanen et al (2011). Long working hours and symptoms of anxiety and depression: a 5 year follow up of the Whitehall II study. This study examined how long working hours are associated with the onset of depression and anxiety symptoms in middle aged employees. The results showed two fold risk of developing depressive and anxiety symptoms in employees working for more than 55 hours a week as compared to those working 35-40 hours a week. Also sex-stratified analysis showed that women are more prone to depression and anxiety than men. Revati and Jogsan (2012). Mental Health and Depression among Working and Non-Working Women. Total number sample taken was 80 women. The research tool used for mental health was measured by Dr. D.J. Bhatt and Gita R. Geeda (1992). Whereas the tool for depression inventory was used which was made byBeck (1961).t test was applied to check the significance of mental health and depression in working and non working women to check the correlation method was used. And results revealed that significance difference in mental health and depression with respect to both working and non working women on mental health and depression. Adhikari (2012) conducted a study on Anxiety and Depression: Comparative Study between Working and Non-Working Mothers. A significant number of mothers are working and playing the dual role of an employee and housekeeper to provide financial help to their families. These mothers experience anxiety and depression regarding the time they spend with their children and child care method. The results showed significant differences in degree of depression and anxiety of working mothers but no significant difference in that of non-working mothers. Bhadoria (2013). Level of Anxiety and Depression Among Working Women and Non Working Women of Gwalior. As todayââ¬â¢s women have a whole set of responsibilities and problems involving the professional and family life, this study tried to compare the levels of depression and anxiety among working and non working women. The results obtained showed significant levels of difference between working and non working women. Fall et al (2013). Comparative study of major depressive symptoms among pregnant women by employment status. This study compares the prevalence of major depressive symptoms between subgroups of pregnant women: working women, women who had stopped working, housewives and students; and to identify risk factors for major depressive symptoms during pregnancy. Prevalence of major depressive symptoms was the lowest for working women as compared to housewives. Multivariate analyses showed that other factors such as low education, low social support outside of work, having experienced acute stressful events, lack of money for basic needs, experiencing marital strain, having a chronic health problem, country of birth, and smoking were significantly associated with major depressive symptoms Balaji et al (2014). A Comparative Study on Depression among Working and Non-Working Women in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. This study was done to assess the burden of depression its risk factors among adult female working and non working population. The results indicated that working women suffer more from depression than non-working women. The risk factors for depression were identified as economic problems workplace problems, relationship problems and no personal life satisfaction.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Analysis of Attitudes to Student Housing
Chapter ONE Introduction: 1.1BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Student lodging is an indispensable constituent of the substructure of any university campus. They are even more of import in a private university. It is of import that pupil lodging installations should let pupils to transport out their academic activities freely while promoting societal interaction. Completed residential edifices should non merely be fit for the intent of the users, but besides be able to execute their maps in such ways as to guarantee comparative occupants ââ¬â¢satisfaction ( Liu, 1999 ) . Research has shown that designers and edifice usersââ¬â¢ differ in their criterions or thoughts about the manner edifices should look or run. The designer is normally concerned with aesthetics, economic system, structural stableness, functionality, fulfilling the client ; while the user is chiefly concerned with how best the edifice accommodates his activities. It is necessary for betterment of the design procedure particularly in structured establishments with the possible to transport out similar design and building undertakings that an rating of the public presentation of their existing installations is carried out. The consequence of certain physical and psychological facets of a edifice on the usersââ¬â¢ productiveness can non be understated. It is necessary that an appraisal of pupil inn installations and their functionality be carried out. This formal rating of the built environment is called ââ¬Å"Post Occupancy Evaluation ( POE ) â⬠and it is the rating of a edifice with accent placed on its functional characteristics instead than the aesthetics, proficient and economical characteristics entirely. Post Occupancy Evaluation aims to enable clients, determination shapers, and operators of assorted installations to supply better environments for clients, residents, and users ( Cubukcu and Isitan, 2011 ) . Student perceptual experiences can be assessed in footings of both proficient ( i.e. , acoustic and ocular comfort ) and functional ( i.e. , room coatings and room layout ) demands. However, proficient and functional edifice public presentations are considered as two different facets that can be used to explicate student residential satisfaction ( Hassanain, 2008 cited in Akinluyi, 2013 ) . Similar surveies ( Foubert et Al, 1998, Amole, 2009a & A ; Khozaei et al. , 2010 ) in utilizing a different attack have factored in direction of the installations, this includes elements such as inn regulations and fees and the attitudes of inn employees. Several factors can be used to measure overall satisfaction with pupil lodging, including physical variables such as installations and excess services ( Hassanain, 2008 ) . Social variables such as pupil relationships, herding and privateness may besides be considered as factors used to measure user satisfaction. This systematic method evaluates the success and failures of completed design undertakings. Such information could be utilized:To better the completed and future design undertakings by better informing the interior decorators of the usersââ¬â¢ demands and better bing edifice public presentation by modifying care and direction patterns.To make an indifferent memory for specific types of design undertakings ( such as infirmary and airdrome design or design of a university campus ) .To develop design guidelines for future design undertakings.1.2STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Many edifices do non execute as planned, some end up functioning an wholly different intent from that for which ground they were constructed. In some instances this can impact on running costs and care, user and client satisfaction and public presentation, wellness, safety and comfort. Harmonizing to Akinluyi ( 2013 ) , for repetition building clients such as universities, larning from, and rectifying past errors in design and commissioning of edifices can be highly cost-efficient and better the public presentation of the establishment in general, its installations in peculiar and greatly better all-around productiveness of the pupils. Housing installations, as before stated, is particularly of import in universities and it is of import that these installations meet the demands of the user for maximal user satisfaction. Harmonizing to Awolesi ( 2008 ) , designs are being constrained by utmost boundaries of cost and economic system, aesthetic considerations, the infinite demands of the clients, or as prevalent in establishments, the demand to do the edifice reflect the bing architectural manner of its immediate environment or typology and this consequences in constructions that sometimes compromise criterions and most times do non see the demands of the proposed users. While there is a demand for considerations of economic system, aesthetics and the of import demands of the client, the usersââ¬â¢ demands do non hold to be sacrificed wholly. Residentsââ¬â¢ satisfaction is one of the major determiners of edifice public presentation, quality and the success of the design undertaking. This survey seeks to analyze the degree of satisfaction of pupils with the lodging installations provided by the school. In peculiar, it investigates the first male and female inns built by the Physical Planning and Development Department of the Covenant University and the degree of satisfaction of pupils with the infinites provided within the halls. 1.3RESEARCH QUESTIONSHow functional are the infinites provided within the halls?How do pupils react to the infinites in footings of satisfaction?Does gender impact the degree of user satisfaction of pupils?1.4AIM AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of this survey is to measure the station tenancy use of two of the pupil inn installations in Covenant University as it relates to the degree of satisfaction of the pupils with the inn installations and how much these responses are determined by the gender of the pupils. To accomplish this purpose, the more specific aims are:To analyze the inn installations ( viz. Esther Hall and Peter Hall ) in footings of usersââ¬â¢ satisfaction.To measure the studentsââ¬â¢ usage and response to these installations and the infinites within.To analyze how much this reaction is determined by the gender of the pupils.To analyze the quality of the studentsââ¬â¢ lodging based on the usersââ¬â¢ responses and satisfaction with the installations.1.5Justification OF THE STUDY This survey is of import because the pupil lodging installations are an of import portion of the built environment in university campuses. This is particularly so in private universities peculiarly where it is compulsory for all pupils to shack on the campus in inn installations provided by the school. It will measure to what extent the gender of pupils affect the usage and perceptual experience of the infinites within the inn installations and the installations in general and how these infinites can be better adapted to accommodate the demands and demands of the different genders without giving economic system in design and execution ( i.e. building ) . This survey will assist to measure the success of completed design undertakings and measure the extent to which the designersââ¬â¢ purpose and outlooks are aligned with the usersââ¬â¢ demands. 1.6Significance OF THE STUDY The survey is aimed at measuring the degree of user satisfaction of pupils in Esther and Peter Halls in Covenant University. It will measure how good the edifices match the demands of the male and female pupils and place ways to better public presentation and fittingness for intent. It will besides analyze the consequence of gender on user response to infinites in footings of satisfaction. The survey will therefore add to the organic structure of cognition every bit good as inform University decision makers on how to student inns can be better designed to accommodate the demands of the pupils. It will besides supply feedback on the degree of satisfaction of the users of the pupil inns being studied. 1.7Scope OF THE STUDY The survey will measure the types of inn installations available in Covenant University with focal point on Esther Hall and Peter Hall. Covenant University is a private university located in Sango-Ota. It was founded in 2002 by the Living Faith Commission in Canaan land, Ota. The University has 4 chief colleges. They are: the College of Business, College of Leadership and Developmental Studies, College of Science and Technology and College of Engineering. The University is good planned with clearly defined subdivisions such as the residential country, academic country, and recreational countries amongst others. The University is to the full residential ( for the pupils ) with 10 inn installations ( 5 male and 5 female inns ) provided to decently house the increasing pupil population. The male inns are the: Peter Hall, Paul Hall, John Hall, Joseph Hall and Daniel Hall. The female inns are: Esther Hall, Mary Hall, Deborah Hall, Lydia Hall and Dorcas Hall. Esther and Peter Hall are the oldest inn installations, built when the school was founded in 2002. These halls have the same design but are occupied by pupils of the two genders. The survey will measure the public presentation of the infinites provided in these halls based on the degree of pupil satisfaction. 1.8LIMITATIONS OF STUDY Due to the nature of the survey, the following are the restrictions that were experienced:The rawness of the research worker.The unanticipated response of users/occupants.Insufficient clip. The clip restraint was a major restriction.1.9RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This survey will basically utilize primary beginnings of information. Data was obtained from occupant pupils across assorted programmes of survey within the capable halls of abode utilizing structured questionnaires. Randomization is achieved by administering these questionnaires across the assorted wings and floors in the halls of abode in a systematic manner. There are 7 wings in each of the halls with 4 floors and 8 suites on each floor, except for A and G wings with 5 suites on each floor. The questionnaires will be distributed to at least 2 pupils on each floor. 1.10DEFINITION OF TERMS Appraisal: This is a opinion of a edifice based on certain selected standards. Constructing Performance: This is the mode in which a edifice maps. It has different facets some of which are quantitative in nature while others are qualitative. Some of these facets are ; energy direction, life-cycle costing, illuming, acoustics, humidness, thermic comfort and spacial relationships. Gender: Gender may be defined as the belongingss that distinguish beings on the footing of their generative functions. Post-Occupancy Evaluation: Preiser et Al. ( 1988 ) defines Post-Occupancy Evaluation as ââ¬Ëthe procedure of measuring edifices in a systematic and strict mode after they have been built and occupied for some timeââ¬â¢ . Friedman ( Friedman et al, 1978 ) defines Post Occupancy Evaluation from an anthropometric position as ââ¬Å"an assessment of the grade to which a designed scene satisfies and supports explicit and implicitly human demands and values of those for whom a edifice is designedâ⬠Student Housing: Khozaei et Al. ( 2010 ) define pupil lodging as a dumbly populated constructing with many suites in which each room contains several beds. Harmonizing to this definition, pupil lodging installations provide kiping and populating quarters, normally without private bathrooms or lavatories, for a big figure of people. It normally consists of many communal infinites such as baths, washs and in some instances common suites. Student lodging goes by many names, such as halls of abode, pupil residence hall and inns. User Satisfaction: User satisfaction is a procedure of mensurating what was received and what was expected. It is the positive experience expressed by residents when their lodging installation meets their outlooks for unit characteristics, services and installations provided.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Nuiances of Zombie Scholarship Essay Samples
The Nuiances of Zombie Scholarship Essay Samples Whatever They Told You About Zombie Scholarship Essay Samples Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Show the reader you know who you are and your past and present experiences are valuable and will earn a positive effect on the future. In the debut, you can begin from the start, middle, or end of your story. The term has been part of popular culture the world over for more than a century. The scholarships you find are likely to fit into specific themes that you must have the ability to identify to be able to save your family time, frustration, stress, and most of all money. What You Need to Know About Zombie Scholarship Essay Samples My final career objective is to develop into an investment portfolio manager. Professionalism in any field needs a considerable investment of time and energy. Conversely, provision of scholarship opens the chance to additional maturation of career to obtain the experience required in leadership. In any case, the scholarship will give me the opportunity to advance my interpersonal skills at a greater level. A creative writing catches the eye, and it may become your passport to a brand-new academic journey. To have the very best chance at winning scholarships, you have to understand how to begin your essay off perfect. A quick description which in journalism is known as chapeau. In the end, there are numerous writing agencies online which sell prewritten papers, together with providing people with the chance to have custom written essays prepared. There's no ideal recipe for writing an essay, but there are a few ingredients that it is possible to add to make it even more appealing. If you're searching for argumentative papers then there are numerous places you may desire to look. There's one important thing you have to know before even starting to assemble material for your scholarship letter. There's a higher likelihood of the scholarship committee throwing the essay paper in case it doesn't concentrate on the subject. The end result is a strong essay with scientific depth. There are various ways to begin an essay and all you have to do is to use one that can offer the most positive impact to the folks who will review your scholarship essay. Becoming conscious of common essay mistakes and the way to repair them can help you produce an impressive scho larship essay. Simply speaking, the meat of the essay was not there. After all, you're going to compose a mere essay. A great essay is one which leaves an enduring impression. You'll learn just what you need to do in order to create the ideal scholarship essay. To start with, you start with protection which usually means you need weapons and some form of fortress. If you only don't forget that phrase you may just survive the zombie epidemic. Zombies are thought to be made by using Voodoo. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay about Gun Control - 1074 Words
Gun control in the United States has been a controversial issue for some time now. So much so that the Supreme Court even refuses to address this issue directly. Gun control really boils down to the the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Many people have different interpretations of the Second Amendment and the trenches are dug in deep on this issue. The Second Amendment can not provide the right to bear all types of arms to protect the people from governmental tyranny. If the Second Amendment was absolute, then we would allow the public to possess nuclear weapons, missiles, and other such arms, because like the 9 mm handgun that is an arm, a nuclear warhead is also a type of arm. The more our government restricts our rights to ownâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I donââ¬â¢t believe that felons should be restricted from owning hand guns, because they are citizens of this country just as much as you or I. If they are out of jail, that means that they have done their time according to our system and their full rights should be reinstated. If we donââ¬â¢t want certain felons to have guns, then we should make their release conditional. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Non citizens of the United States of America should not be allowed to possess any type of weapon. If you are not a citizen you have no right to carry a weapon in our country. If for some reason you need protection here, hire a citizen to protect you while you are visiting. I donââ¬â¢t know why someone would come some place were they feel their live is going to be threatened. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It would be next to impossible for our citizens to decide what arms should be allowed for non military ownership. So we group arms in to categories and sub categories. The United States of America is the freest country in the world and yet we donââ¬â¢t have the widest selections of arms available in the world. With good reason, because we are clearly the most violent society in the world and we know this. Certain types of arms have been banned for good reasons. Weapons of mass destruction are obviously not a good thing for citizens to own. They present to many oppurtiunies to infringe on other people rights in turnShow MoreRelatedGun Control766 Words à |à 4 PagesGun Control Paper Gun Control has been an issue that has been brought to the publicââ¬â¢s eyes in recent years. This main issue has been going on for many years, for example when John F. Kennedy was assassinated; it raised public awareness to the lack of control on sales and also possession of guns in America. Until 1968 guns were available over the counter in stores and through mail catalogs to just about any adult in America. This was an example of how loosely guns were regulated which bring usRead MoreGun Violence And Gun Control1007 Words à |à 5 Pagesshootings and various other methods of gun violence, tens of thousands of people die every year. These gun-related deaths primarily originate from murder and children accidentally shooting themselves. Although those in favor of gun control tend to believe that guns should be terminated completely, the second amendment prevents lawmakers from being able to do so. Therefore, in order to combat these causes, alternative gun control solutions mu st be made for each one. Gun-related murders can be decreasedRead MoreThe Gun Laws And Gun Control965 Words à |à 4 Pagesoriginate from the accessibility of guns, but rather the actions of an individual that has disregard for life in today s society. There will always be ways for the offender commit crimes with or without guns. What is being done about gun control? We have all heard of all the tragedies throughout the country regarding guns. According to the President (2013) We know that we cannot stop every act of violence with guns, but what if we tried to stop even one? Weapon controls in the U.S. is structured atRead MoreGun Control For Gun Violence880 Words à |à 4 PagesIn 2015, 13,367 people lost their lives due to gun violence according to Gun Violence Archive. The Archive also states that out of that number, 693 were children from ages 0-11. We can all agree that there is indeed a problem that we have to address. The solution to that problem, however, has been debated by many. I believe the solution to this problem exists in three parts: Mandatory training and licensing along with more heavily secure gun storage, stricter regulations on the purchasing of a firearmââ¬âdisabilitiesRead MoreGuns And Their Effect On Gun Control962 Words à |à 4 PagesGuns and the ability to use them have been under attack in the United States and many other places throughout the World. There are groups of people that believe that as long as we have the right to bear arms that many unprotected people will lose their lives due to gun violence. There are many trends that come with gun violence and where these mass shooting occur, but a main one is that when a place legally prohibits carrying a weapon then that is where the most gun violence happens. Where guns areRead MoreGuns And Gun Control855 Words à |à 4 PagesThe rise in cases of gun violence and related incidences of assault has drawn the public to the issue of guns and gun control. Such has been evident within the spheres of politics especially with the last election period seeing the incumbent president Donald Trump suggesting on stringent gun control laws. However, despite the acknowledgment of the need to have better gun laws, much ground and consensus has never reached. Such, to an extent, contributed to the current lack of political goodwill withinRead MoreThe I ssue Of Gun Control Essay868 Words à |à 4 Pages Gun Control Gun Control. Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2016. In this website, it discusses the debatable topic of gun control. In the article titled Gun Control, it states that the ââ¬Å"The United States is the leader in per-capita gun deaths among industrial nations.â⬠The main point of this article was to get the point across about the controversy that this has brought into the United States, not only does it quote influentialRead More Gun Control Essay1065 Words à |à 5 Pages Gun Control Throughout America there is the constant debate concerning the second amendment or the right to bare arms. One day an innocent kid walking home from school gets shot in a drive by shooting is he just a victim of circumstance or could this of been easily prevented. There are lobbyist for the private ownership of guns and lobbyist for legislation to ban personal possession of guns for good. In this paper I hope that just maybe I can persuade you to think differently on a topic thatââ¬â¢sRead MoreThe Assault Of Gun Control920 Words à |à 4 PagesGun control has become a hot topic in the United States as of now. There will be those who are for guns and those who are against guns. Those who are for guns, assert that it is our right to bear arms according to the 2nd amendment and those who are against guns, believe that guns are unnecessary and cause more violence. Assault weapons, in particular, have caused too many deaths and the government needs to put a ban on assault weapons. First and foremost, assault weapons have claimed the livesRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control Essay982 Words à |à 4 PagesGuns have become a serious issue in todayââ¬â¢s society. There have been incalculable incidents that involved a gun causing physical harm to a person. This can occur when guns are not properly stored in a safe location. House Bill 75 has been proposed to help solve this problem. With this bill set in place, if a minor has the ability to access a firearm unauthorized, the person responsible for that firearm will receive criminal penalties. As a matter of a fact, there have been cases reported about
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